'mericaOccupy I got your medium is the message right here! written by Uncle Sam October 29, 2011 I got your medium is the message right here! was last modified: February 26th, 2015 by Uncle Sam 0 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest Uncle Sam previous post Is Obama cynical? next post Democracy You may also like Lamentations November 8, 2016 Change April 7, 2008 Today, exactly 100 years ago, World War... July 28, 2014 Is Democracy the Highest Good, or is... January 28, 2007 Prop 37 November 4, 2012 The First Debate October 3, 2012 Carbon dioxide level breaks 3 million year... May 10, 2013 Arab Spring May 1, 2011 The Torch Has Been Taken Hostage! April 9, 2008 Kerry Knocked Him Out October 3, 2004