October 3, 2015
Joe Biden, Scranton, PA
So been thinkin’ about the POTUS job and here’s what I think. First, look… Obama, I love the guy. I think he’s a class act and he did a lot of good for America. So, classy guy, did a decent job, more than a decent job, but he had so much to go up against, not just cuz of who he was, but because of what he inherited. I think his greatest achievement is still going to be what he prevented, and it’s tough to prove a negative, but he was a hero. And while I’m surely not going to harp on what’s 6 years old – things to have a tendency to take awhile to show themselves – and also not going to harp on the amount of damage done, in money lost, hell, in lives lost, I think going forward this too big to fail thing means that the biggest thing of all, the USA, has a greater, not lesser, chance of failing, to an extent in democracy and capitalism we have to let the chips fall where they do, and if we are going to step in and do bailouts, it should be of the people and not of the bankers. But I wasn’t the President. I’d like to be the President. And if I was it would be different. The way I see it, we’ve gotta get the filibuster, the offshore tax thing, Citizens United,
publicly financed elections, all of it, fixed. If we had a military that was just twice as much as the next biggest 25 countries, instead of 20 times, every American could be given 5000 dollars! We gave 95% of all weath creation in the last 30 years has gone to the top 1% of the population. That’s actually bad for the 1%, because they don’t have a way to grow their money without a thriving economy, which depends on people have more disposable income. So I’m going to be the radical here, and be the Obama that Obama may or may not have been.

Just a regular Joe