Home 'merica Green For All

Green For All

written by Uncle Sam April 5, 2008

Today Green For All kicked off in Memphis. I called my dear friend Lora O’Connor for a report from the ground, and she said that Harry Belafonte rocked the house, saying how dare we distance ourselves from Reverend Wright. We should all of us be saying how dare people tell us who have been so wronged how to be angry. And Lora reported of the young people in the streets, dancing and inspiring us all with their own hope. She said, “History is being made today. This is the beginning of the true fusion of the envionmental movement and the social justice movement.” She said, “I wish you could be there.” I said, “I am there, with you.”

One last thought. Regarding the war in Vietnam, obviously somewhat like the war in Iraq, MLK said: “There will be no meaningful solution, until the attempt is made to know these people, and hear their broken cries.” Obama is saying this now. Only he’s actually running for president.


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